From unemployable, unqualified massive debt to self employed experienced riches.
Have a place where we can all talk to each other and pass on support and help using processes that work.
We are you. We have been through what you are going through and come out the other side with good humour and loads of ideas to help you through the hard times and into the lighter and prosperous side of life.
15 years ago Sabrina was close to suicide and bankruptcy. Having left school with no qualifications she moved to London from the Ashdown Forest, getting a job in a shoe shop. This didn’t last and was the first of many jobs she was fired from, creating a vicious cycle of signing on, getting a job and then getting fired. With no regular income, her life was unmanageable. She became homeless, forcing her to rely on friends for somewhere to stay, sleeping on sofas and living in squats.Finally she was given a council flat at a very low rent. In an attempt to deal with her growing debts, she took courses in economics, money management and book keeping.
Although she became an expert in financial theory, it didn’t help her escape spiralling debts. By 1998, she owed thousands and was on the brink of losing her flat. At her lowest point she had a moment of clarity realising she needed to completely rethink her attitude towards money. Earning it, spending it and saving it. Over the next twenty years she completely rebuilt her financial life, examining the attitudes, emotions and negative habits, which underlie debt. Drawing on her own experiences she developed practical tools to help herself and others struggling with toxic attitudes to money.This change in attitude led her out of debt, firstly to solvency and then to being a millionaire.
Sabrina’s worked with hundreds of people, helping them out of debt and towards the lifestyle and career that they want. Sabrina lives mainly in London with her dog Fred.
I, ____________________ , do solemnly declare and commit that I have all the symptoms of being a chronic debtor and will never again take out any sort of debt, be it for a cup of tea, or a broken washing machine, that is unsecured against anything else I own. I promise never to use credit in the shape of cards, bank loans or being forwarding money from friends or relatives on monies due to come in “Any day now”.
I will no longer be seduced by “Free money”; I will do whatever it takes never to take a loan out for any reason whatsoever. I will stop debting one day at a time and stop making excuses for myself. I am responsible for every penny I spend. I will take note of each penny by writing it down.
I swear by, whatever deity of my choice, that I will do all that is required to stop taking out debt, or creating it and move forward into getting rich, whatever that means to me
I promise to at all times, to get me through this tough time, to keep my sense of humour.
Signed: ____________________
Dated: ___ / ___ / ___